Use Our Holiday Templates
in VerticalResponse Classic
in VerticalResponse Classic
Celebrate the most wonderful time of the year with a template from our seasonal category. Halloween, New Year’s Eve, and everything in between — we have designs to fit all of your holiday needs.
Be Festive on Facebook and Twinkle on Twitter
Bring the joy of the season to your social media accounts. Your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram pages will shine bright with our FREE holiday-themed cover photos, banners, and carousel images.
How to Use Everything Holiday Creative Assets
Step 1: Download your holiday-themed social media graphics.
Step 2: To use these images in a social post on Facebook or Twitter, log into Don’t have an account?
Sign up for free today!
Sign up for free today!
Step 2: To use these images in a social post on Facebook or Twitter, log into Don’t have an account?
Sign up for free today!
Sign up for free today!
Step 3: From your VerticalResponse dashboard, select “Create One” under “Social Post.” Choose your Twitter or Facebook account, and then select the button with the camera icon. Navigate to your downloaded social assets and select the appropriate image to use for your post. 
Add your copy and schedule your post. If you’re ready to post immediately, choose the “Post Now” button and you’re all set.
Add your copy and schedule your post. If you’re ready to post immediately, choose the “Post Now” button and you’re all set.
Any images that you upload will be stored in your personal library, so you can use in future posts.